We are living a technological revolution linked to the development of the Internet. The omnipresence of the wifi connection, the democratisation of content, and the possibilities of video communication are leading to the emergence of new social practices. We have witnessed the emergence of teleworking, distance learning, e-commerce and telemedicine. Mental health has not escaped this trend. Recently, videoconference consultations have become available in France and are reimbursed by the social security system. For a few years now, I have been leading groups via video connection web platforms for multi-family psychotherapeutic programme organised in Russia. A team is present on site, while I intervene from Paris. The multi-family group (MFG) is made up of three nested groups, the children, parents, and psychologists. These three entities are part of a therapeutic neo-group run by two psychoanalysts. Our experience leads us to question the consequences of the introduction of new technologies in the therapeutic group space. This research studies the construction of a therapeutic framework in a « psychologist – machine – group » system. We will focus our study on the following question: How is psychic groupality constituted in a multifamily group with a polytopic structure? Basing our analysis on a particular group case, we describe the principles necessary to build a common therapeutic space for a hybrid group in the screen-off screen. The central question of our research might also be phrased: how is the multifamily device, which alternates between co-presence and distance, therapeutic? How can this model be generalised? Our reflection also focuses on the indications for this type of device and on how its limits are established. In order to account for the functioning of space-time in visio-connection, we will reflect on spatio-temporal perception using the concept of the chronotope. This concept helps us understand how the delocalized system can maintain structural unity. The specificity of the hybrid device consists of the dependence on the machine. Technological frustration, such as that provoked by an unpredictable connection, as well as technical breakdowns, introduce a discontinuity in the therapeutic link. The group gathered around a screen-object is forced to use language, due to the impoverished non-verbal communication. The monitor-display becomes an object-attractor in the group space. The digital screen gathers the participants around itself and organises the transfer. It becomes the vector of symbolisation, by soliciting the scopic impulse. The hybrid group device awakens and stimulates perception, figurability, and the imaginary, which all three unfold according to the phases of group organisation. The clinical analysis shows that the hybrid group in the screen-offscreen is formed through the construction of a virtual group space, built on an oneiric foundation. The common visual envelope takes the place of physical borders, delimiting the deterritorialized group. We model a panoramic group screen, which favours the creation of a common imaginary space.
Source: http://www.theses.fr/2021UNIP5118