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Du développement durable aux transitions : intérêts, limites et pratiques de l’anticipation territoriale by Rémi Le Fur


Sustainable developpment, wich have been replaced by the notion of transition, carries with it a long-terme attention. The historic figures of land planning, territorial foresight and other territorial projects, futured-oriented, are mobilized to support the transitions dynamiques. However, these figures are long dates subject to doubts, criticisms and questions. They have also been recomposed in time, by the hybridisation of practices, the recovery of the topics covered and the interweaving of spatial scales. The context in which they are practiced has changed strongly since their emergence. This triple observation of doubts, of recompositions and of contexte changes leads us to fomulate the notion of territorial anticipation, backed by a typology proposal. But this formulation also invites us to go beyond the issues raised by this triple observation. In this sense, we propose ways of improving for better support of transitions.

Source: http://www.theses.fr/2022GRALH002


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