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Etude comparative des discours et des pratiques de la RSE à travers la communication interne, la culture d’entreprise et le management au prisme de la culture nationale en France et en Russie en temps de crise by Olga Madzigon


In this study we present an analysis of the discourse and practices of Corporate SocialResponsibility (CSR), of the tools for steering and evaluating CSR through management,corporate culture and internal communication of French and Russian companies. This work aims to shed light on new social issues, and experiences from the field to broaden prevention towards approaches more oriented towards « quality of life at work » and the well-being of employees at work. The secondary objective is to evolve the impact of the health crisis, telework on the practices and discourses of CSR, to inventory the social representations of CSR in France and Russia.Is there a new way of working and integrating social objectives into the heart of the business model? How do corporate culture and CSR intersect? Are the new socially responsible practices embodied in the corporate culture and by what means? Does the corporate culture adapt to the requirements and standards of these practices or, on the contrary, are the standards and discourse of CSR shaped by the values, beliefs and practices of the corporate culture? As long as CSR is a practice recently adopted by companies, we analyze how company employees interpret CSR: as an ecological, environmental or social responsibility of the company? Are CSR practices and discourses efficient enough to solve social problems of the company’s actors, according to the employees’ opinion? In order to answer the question of our study, we conducted a qualitative analysis of ten reports on the extra-financial performance of companies in France and ten reports in Russia. We conducted six case studies: analysis of CSR, corporate culture, internal communication and management of three Russian and three French companies. We also administered two questionnaires and conducted thirty semi-structured interviews with top management and professionals in the sphere of CSR.

Source: http://www.theses.fr/2022COAZ2026


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