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Seminaire E-Commerce recense pour vous les différents ateliers marketing digital et événements autour du numérique afin de vous accompagner dans votre formation dans le digital.

Tutorial PrestaShop Checkout

Tutorial PrestaShop Checkout

Descubre en este tutorial cómo instalar PrestaShop Checkout en tu tienda online. Aquí están los pasos a seguir en el back-office de tu tienda PrestaShop para integrar esta nueva solución…

How to install PrestaShop on your server

How to install PrestaShop on your server

Step-by-step installation of PrestaShop on a web server. Turn subtitles on in your language with the 'Caption' button. Read the full article at http://www.prestashop.com/blog/en/how-to-install-prestashop Need more help ? - Read…

Table Rate Shipping

Table Rate Shipping

Table Rate Shipping makes it possible for you to create complex rules for shipping your products worldwide. You can define multiple rates based on the product’s destination, have multiple rates…