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Seminaire E-Commerce recense pour vous les différents ateliers marketing digital et événements autour du numérique afin de vous accompagner dans votre formation dans le digital.

4 traps to avoid when building your Ecommerce project

In this video, we will tell you how to avoid 4 common errors when preparing your Ecommerce project, drawing on the expertise we’ve gained from working with PrestaShop merchants. ▼▼More information below▼▼

0:00 – 00:23 : Intro
0:23 – 1:58 : Underestamating your offer’s potential and how to analyse it
1:58 – 3:35 : Not analyzing your target market and personae’s
3:35 – 5:45 : Not investing in your project
5:45 – 7:01 : Choosing your developer too quickly

Download the Guide « How to write a Business Plan » : http://bit.ly/2kTfGHV

Discover now PrestaShop, the free and easy Ecommerce software : http://bit.ly/2kTdNLm

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