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Tutorial PrestaShop Checkout – How to install it

Find out in this tutorial how to install PrestaShop Checkout on your online store.

Here are the steps to follow in your PrestaShop back office to integrate this new payment solution:

1. Look for PrestaShop Checkout in the « Modules » or « Payment » tab of your PrestaShop back office in your online store.

2. Log in to your Prestashop Checkout account and your Paypal account.

3. If you do not have a Paypal account, fill in the form with your company information and then complete it with your personal information.

4. Connect your PrestaShop Checkout and Paypal accounts.

5. Navigate between the different sections and discover the new features of PrestaShop Checkout: transaction management, customization of the purchase tunnel, refund requests, etc…

Now that Prestashop Checkout has no secrets for you, it’s time for business!

Find out all the information here: http://bit.ly/2M0e5wD

And get 20% off with the code PRESTATUBE20 on ALL the Prestashop catalog!


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