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Google Shopping

New tips! Get the low down on on how use the visual aspect of online eCommerce and search through Google Shopping.
Looking to master the latest technology in order to boost conversion, and increase your revenue then this short video is well worth a watch? Yes! Then this short video is well worth a watch.

Google Shopping helps businesses like you tap into the power of customer intent to reach the right people with relevant products ads, when it matters the most.

Google Shopping module available soon on PrestaShop Addons!
For more information on Google Shopping, visit : http://bit.ly/2cpQyBs
Download The Google Shopping Module available for PrestaShop online stores: http://bit.ly/2BD8Uht

PrestaShop website: https://www.prestashop.com/
PrestaShop on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PrestaShop
PrestaShop on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/prestashop/


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