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6 tips for creating a delivery policy that attracts customers

In this video, the shipping expert at Boxtale (Envoimoinscher.com) will give you important tips for creating an efficient delivery policy to help you to attract customers and build loyalty.

Boxtale.com offers a complete range of delivery services and so allows you to ship within France and internationally. Boxtale.com offers negotiated tariffs, accessible without a minimum order, or the need to sign a contract. With Boxtale.com, you manage all of your shipments in a centralised manner, with a single point of contact.

Discover the PrestaShop module : http://bit.ly/2kTmi91

Contact the expert : http://bit.ly/2kTd6BJ

PrestaShop website: https://www.prestashop.com/
PrestaShop on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PrestaShop
PrestaShop on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/prestashop/


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