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Seminaire E-Commerce recense pour vous les différents ateliers marketing digital et événements autour du numérique afin de vous accompagner dans votre formation dans le digital.

⏩ Understanding market failures

This course is part of our new digital business specialization, enroll now on Coursera https://www.coursera.org/learn/grow-on-digital-world/

Our new specialization provides a valuable guide for managers, employees
and entrepreneurs to understand the rules, concepts and mechanisms of Digital Business in order to be ready to innovate in a Digital World.

With 4 courses and 30 attractive videos and assessments, we analyze
the Digital Transformation at stake and decipher the rules of this new world.
In the final exercise entitled “Capstone”, the Learner will solve a professional challenge by applying his/her new perspective to a variety of real business situations.


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