This doctoral work by articles brings elements of response to the following general problem To what extent does the articulation between servitization and digitalization allows the improvement of the value proposition of the company, the improvement of this value proposition being a prerequisite for performance. It is therefore a question of questioning the relevant configurations between the different servitization strategies, digital capabilities, and customer resources. In other words, the objective of this doctoral research is to study the conditions of implementation and success of articulation between servitization and digitalization. We propose three doctoral essays that mobilize a mixed empirical device: quantitative and qualitative. Thus, we deal with the articulation between servitization and digitalization through multiple constructs and methodologies. First, we examine the role of network capabilities as a catalyst for the effects of servitization and digitalization on the financial and extra-financial performance of industrial SMEs. Second, we investigate the conditions under which the combination of different levels of servitization and digitization improves the market performance of listed SMEs. Finally, we analyze how industrial SMEs that have successfully implemented servitization formulate, construct and organize their value proposition. The results of our Ph.D. work show that network capabilities are a source of performance (financial and extra-financial), positively impacting servitization and digitalization and that only companies with a certain level (cut-off) of servitization articulated to digitalization and at aligned and well-balanced levels have a performing market value. Finally, we identify several service patterns that avoid the service paradox. We find that value is structured around customer relationships, digitalization, and the network. On a theoretical and managerial level, our doctoral work proposes a re-examination of the understanding of servitization. We discuss the nature and heterogeneity of existing definitions in the literature, in relation to the emergence of the servitization paradox and performance issues. We provide a better understanding of the implementation of servicisation through digitalization, the network, and the customer as a resource. We propose a definition of the « digital service paradox », in order to avoid this risk of failure and propose an integrative framework showing the need to develop a configurational approach, articulating service strategies, digital capabilities, and customer resources.
Source: http://www.theses.fr/2022LYO20056