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La loi type de la CNUDCI sur la passation des marchés publics et la réglementation algérienne des marchés publics by Salem Ait Youcef


Algeria, as a developing country, has not stayed away from international standards. Along the way, Algeria has passed a constraint opening under the pressure of international institutions seeking for a master of this opening, which did not miss to even touch the public procurement law. This influence is now fully assumed by the drafters of the new regulations on public procurement whose preamble explicitly states that: « The reviewing of the public procurement regulations essentially meets the requirement to be inspired by international standards as well as the recommendations of international institutions » Everything suggests that by referring to the international standards in the statement of reasons to the new regulations on public procurement, the Algerian legislator is mainly, if not exclusively, targeting the UNCITRAL model law on public procurement, especially more than Algeria was elected member of this Commission for four terms spanning three distinct periods: (1983-1989), (1995-2001) and (2004-2016). The opening up of Algerian regulations to international sources, in particular international standards, and more particularly the UNCITRAL model law on public procurement, presents a very important theme to be studied, in particular because of its complexity and, above all, its universality. The complexity is linked precisely in this issue to the fact that a developing country (Algeria) can choose to resort to the provisions of an international standard (the UNCITRAL model law) in such a strategic and sensitive area, like a publics markets.

Source: http://www.theses.fr/2022ASSA0085


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