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Relations, confidences et embrouilles à l’adolescence : entre écrans et cour du lycée by Nathalie Dupin


The massive and rapid arrival of socio-digital technologies has been the subject of many studies over the past two decades, but the socio-digital uses of adolescents, questioned regarding their relational lives in person and online, are little known and documented. Methodology: This study is qualitative and is based on a double-entry field: on the one hand, dealing with individual interviews conducted with eighty-three high school students from urban and rural areas, belonging to families from working, middle and priviledged class; on the other hand, with a participant observation during more than a year within a national helpline specialized in the protection of minors on the internet. Results: First of all, this research allows to describe and analyze socio-digital practices and uses, that are far from being homogeneous among the adolescents encountered: ten ideal-types of socio-digital users are thus determined. The relational lives that are played out on different scenes are then analyzed considering these ten ideal-types, to determine how socio-digital uses can influence the relationships between peers that are developed online, in presence and in « presence-online », a term created to reflect the interlacing of online and offline relational lives. The analysis of this relational panorama, which is played out on these different scenes, finally allow to focus on the way in which the links are created or brocken, when the relationships between adolescents get out of hand and when « conflicts » are formed, which can sometimes degenerate into (cyber)violence or even (cyber)bullying. Contribution: This research offers an unprecedented sociological overview at the diversity of adolescent socio-digital uses, considering them from a relational perspective without opposing the different scenes online, in presence and in presence-online), on which social links are made, maintained or broken. It brings new knowledge on the dynamics of « squabbles » (conflicts) and could be used by professionals wishing to fight against violence and situations of harassment, in particular among adolescents, by helping to overcome many clichés about digital relationships between adolescents and the supposed mechanical or systematic harms of digital technology.

Source: http://www.theses.fr/2022UNIP7281


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