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Histoire d’une « révolution culturelle » de la distribution. De l’omni-canal à l’omni-commerce, une analyse du changement et de sa mise en récit. by Tiphaine Chautard


Most retailers strive to reach the omni-channel ideal in order to meet new market requirements (i.e. evolution of consumer behavior and competition standards). In this study, we seek to understand how multi-/cross-channel retailers transform into omni-channel, from an organizational point of view. Beyond the technological aspect (e.g. modernization of information systems and logistics), we investigate the cultural dimension of the change in “historical” actors (e.g. overhaul of processes and ways of thinking inside organizations and among their members). First, we explore the emergence of omni-channel and outline the cultural change that it requires; then, we investigate organizational culture as a means to achieving such cultural change; finally, when formulating marketing strategy, we propose storytelling as an internal marketing approach with collaborators, who are often the first recipients of change. We conduct multiple case studies to explore the narrative of change whilst favoring the emergence and deployment of an “omni-channel culture”. Our findings show confluent results about the way retailers change and tell this story. Their narrative reveal a shared “storytailing”, shaping the premises of a “cultural revolution” in retailing. It is reflected in the proposition of a widened conception of omni-channel through “omni-commerce” and a wish for retailers to define their agency

Source: http://www.theses.fr/2018LILUD021


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